Depression and the Pastor’s Wife

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I will never forget a particular Sunday I was feeling so anxious and peopled out. At the time, we only had one car so I asked a young lady to take me home. I know she had to be wondering what in the world was wrong with me. I am usually the social butterfly and I couldn’t wait to get out of there!

Nothing major had happened. I didn’t understand what was going on. I wanted to crawl in bed and die. Literally die. I am not one that struggles much with depression so this really took me by surprise. I had suicidal thoughts and this went on for several hours. Finally, after many tears and crying out to God, I asked Him to please take this feeling away. Finally…peace came.

I realize many struggle with depression for days, weeks, and even months on end. What I went through was nothing compared to those that struggle for long periods of time. I asked God why He allowed this to happen to me. He spoke to my heart and said it would give me a tiny glimpse into what others that really battle depression might face. I won’t pretend that I understand all that you may be going through, but I really do care.

If you’re a pastor’s wife and you are struggling with depression, you’re not alone my friend. You and I both know that being a pastor’s wife doesn’t keep us from facing struggles in every day life. We all have struggles from time to time.

Your depression may be caused from a recent loss of a family member or close friend, conflict in the church, a big change in your life, a reaction to a new medicine, a chemical imbalance in your brain, or many other reasons. Sometimes it doesn’t even make sense. Depression doesn’t make you a bad person. You don’t need to feel shame. Give yourself the same grace you would give the lady in your church that is struggling with depression or some other difficult issue. God has given us doctors and therapists for a reason. There is no shame in getting help.

If you want to learn more click here. Teri Herndon shares her experience with depression and how God brought her through.

Check out the Christmas devotional that Teri wrote by clicking on the link below.


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Published by silentlybleeding

Jan McIntyre loves Jesus, family, bargain shopping, cooking, and photography. Jan was raised in a pastor's home and is married to a pastor. Her heart's desire is to encourage and empower pastor's wives.

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